
There are many ways to help our music community through HCMF.

You can choose how you want to make a difference.


Donate and become a sponsor.

In just two years since our establishment, HCMF has introduced over 40 artists from around the world, 16 unique classical concerts, six masterclasses, as well as several outreaches and partnerships around the island of O'ahu. What has undoubtedly contributed to our growth and development is the support of our community. From the concert patrons to the students to the volunteers, we are immensely grateful for your contributions. All donations support our mission of connecting passionate students with world-class artists.

Share music with your friends.

Word-of-mouth is vital to growing our music community. Maybe you have a friend who enjoys classical music. Or perhaps classical music would a great new experience for someone you know. We present several exciting concerts every year, so there's always something to look forward to. Share your excitement on social media such as Facebook and Instagram.


Follow us to stay up-to-date.

HCMF has always maintained a high standard for our concerts to appear around the island. By extending our reach, our concerts "pop-up" several times a year. To get the latest news, make sure to follow us on social media (Facebook and Instagram), and subscribe to our email newsletter for discounts and sales.


Contact us today.

HCMF has proactively heightened new musical experiences and education in Hawai’i by connecting passionate students with world-class artists. If you have any inquiries about our mission, upcoming concerts, or opportunities to work with us, email us at